James E. Allen Alternative School
31 Lee Ave. Wheatley Heights, NY 11798
Program #243.010
Thomas Logatto, Principal
(631) 586-1300
This program serves disabled students, ages 11 through 21, who require highly intensive management needs due to conduct disorders. The program provides ongoing educational instruction that incorporates the Common Core Learning Standards. The services of a consulting psychiatrist are available for those conduct disordered students who also have psychiatric needs. In addition, strong emphasis is placed upon remedial instruction, vocational training and having each student’s parents and family become part of the treatment services.
An after-school program is offered for students who are unable to attend a normal full-day school due to the students’ disability(ies). This option is also suitable for students who are employed during the school day and who require after-school educational programming to complete their high school studies. Related services, support services and psychiatric consultation services are also offered for students who require these specialized services.
Interim Alternative Educational Program (IAEP)
31 Lee Ave. Wheatley Heights, NY 11798
Program #403.010
Thomas Logatto, Principal
(631) 586-1300
This program serves non-disabled and disabled students in middle school and high school who require highly structured services in an alternative setting. The educational environment parallels that of the JEA Alternative School. It is for non-classified students who are on long-term, out of school suspension as a result of a Superintendent’s Hearing and classified students who need an Interim Alternative Educational Program as described in 201.7 of the Commissioner’s Regulations. Placements may extend beyond the minimum of 45 days. This highly individualized, academic program includes Regents-level instruction. School-based counseling, behavioral management training, substance abuse treatment and court probationary services as well as support services from psychologists and social workers are also available. This full-day program is housed in a self-contained location at the JEA Alternative School.